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主题: Crystal introduction (1)

Level: 16
HP: 5 / 436
MP: 1 / 4442
Exp: 57%

帖子: 2
积分: 10
注册时间: 2012-03-18
Rock Crystal
Rock Crystal, component: SiO2, she is without color or white with shape of hexagon pillar. Her energy is corresponding to Sahasrara Chakra of Seven Chakras of human body with function of clear-headed and consciousness. She can help you impove work efficiency if put on office table or reading-desk. According to Chakra Theory, Meditation while sitting near her, or wearing some crystal ornaments, which can make you get a lot of inspiration and quick-thinking because Sahasrara Chakra is rather active and it can receive information from higher level more easily while send information to outside more efficiently. Nevertheless, pay attention to not put her near bedside as she can make people excited and hard go to sleep.
Also known as "crystal king" of origin: Brazil transparent crystal white crystal is the gift of the earth's air, on behalf of the balance, satisfactory, the main health, for the removal of negative energy has a strong effect. Wear white crystal, "amulet" and "at peace" Gong, the White Water Transmission on the fiscal side spaces, the air can make a strong, prosperous family financial situation.

Bring partial Caiyun, unexpected wealth can be created, is engaged in the service business companies and businessmen indispensable strokes treasure, a reminder of the fiscal effectiveness. In addition, Crystal Huang Huang umbilical round of the main crystal, remove tension and help the effectiveness of the digestive system, such as gastroenteritis.

Also known as the "spiritual crystal," Origin: Brazil. As a result of amethyst and to contain iron oxide bright purple. Amethyst corresponds to the frequency of top round, the two can develop glabella third eye, soothe the nerves of the effectiveness of calm will be able to stimulate the brain, stimulates creativity, pure, detailed, the advantage of its energy be refreshing, while the feelings between men and women Enhance relationships and a great role.

12-4-29 21:56 1楼
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